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Hey Folks! It's nice to meet you all! My name is Faye Oliver and I've begun a healthy hair care journey along with my sister! I hope you enjoy reading about it :)

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Hot Ass Mess

Today I co washed for the first time.

The PROS of the day:

My new comb glides through my hair.
The conditoner wash gave me great slip
Putting my hair into sections made it eeasy to detangle


Roller setting was a hot ass mess
Braid out was a hot ass mess
De-tangling in the shower was a hot ass mess

I can NOT roller set to save my life. What on earth was I thinking. I'm so awkward when doing the back of my hair I should have known. The rollers didn't want to stay next to each other and they flopped about like NO ONE'S business. I was nearly in tears. All the ladies on you tube made every thing look so easy, how on earth was I going to manage on ym hair journey if I couldn't do any low manipulation styles?!

My hair when it is wet or dry is so disobedient it's like I'm trying to get an actual person to do something they don't want to do.

I finally plaited my hair into about 8 plaits and that's where it shall stay until tomorrow morning.

I don't know what to do, it feels like everything I'm doing, I'm doing so awkward and wrong.



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